Selasa, 29 Januari 2019

English Daily Report

Hello Sunbody...
Hai hai sunshine >_<

    welcome to my first writing, here I will tell you about my activities while in the kitchen one full day.

   Today is Puff Pastries and Egg Dishes. we practice at 8:15 a.m. and before it starts, the lecturer will show the stages of making puff pastries and egg dishes. we line up neatly while watching what the lecturers do. after that, we practiced it in groups. seniors give one rest time to worship then proceed with making egg dishes.


after all practice activities are completed, we may enjoy the results we made. after that at 3:30 a.m. we did a general cleaning session to clear the area that had been used and right at 17:30 the practical class was finished which was closed with a prayer.

Thanks for reading...
Chef Riza ❤

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