Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Helo Sunshine
Welcome back to my shining blog, hari ini masih seperti hari kemarin kami melakukan kegiatan praktek di kitchen dengan senang hati, dan untuk menu yang akan di masak hari ini adalah oriental buffet dimana aku dan teman kelompokku akan membuat makanan pembuka yaitu Thai Beef Salad dan Chinese spinach and peanut salad..
dan di sela-sela berjalannya praktik, tiba-tiba terjadi suatu kejadian yang mengejutkan yaitu sebuah pertengkaran kecil antara dosen dan salah satu temanku, sehingga berdampak pada proses berjalannya praktik. kami sekelas diberikan hukuman dan waktu untuk nisa mengintropeksi diri masing-masing.
sehingga kegiatan praktikum kami dilanjutkan oleh senior semester 5, hingga selesai.
untung saja sebelumnya, saya sudah menngambil beberapa gambar ketika menyiapkan Chinese spinach and peanut salad.
adapun recipe Thai beef salad ialah..
450 gr Decent quality steak, sirloin or other
10 Thai chilli pepper sliced crosswise very thin
2 cloves garlic
1 tbsp sugar
5 tbsp Thai fish sauce
5 tbsp lime juice
1 heart of romaine lettuce
12 fresh mint spring
1 pcs of small cucumber
3 pcs of shallots
4 springs Cilantro oil, stems removed
1. Grilled or boil the medium-rare untill steak. Trim off any fat. Cool and slice thin, into pieces approx. 2 inches across and 1/8 inch thick.
2.Mix gralic, chilles, fish sauce, lime juice, and sugar in a small bowl
3.Add the sliced meat and toss with the cuucmbers an shallots. Taste and add more fish sauce if desired
4. Make a beetle on a serving plate. Place the beef on top. Garish with cilantro.
450 gr Decent quality steak, sirloin or other
10 Thai chilli pepper sliced crosswise very thin
2 cloves garlic
1 tbsp sugar
5 tbsp Thai fish sauce
5 tbsp lime juice
1 heart of romaine lettuce
12 fresh mint spring
1 pcs of small cucumber
3 pcs of shallots
4 springs Cilantro oil, stems removed
1. Grilled or boil the medium-rare untill steak. Trim off any fat. Cool and slice thin, into pieces approx. 2 inches across and 1/8 inch thick.
2.Mix gralic, chilles, fish sauce, lime juice, and sugar in a small bowl
3.Add the sliced meat and toss with the cuucmbers an shallots. Taste and add more fish sauce if desired
4. Make a beetle on a serving plate. Place the beef on top. Garish with cilantro.
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